Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Marine Throws Puppy off of a Cliff

When I was in Vietnam, I urged my omnivorous friend to try eating cat or dog meat. She refused. I was unable to understand her resistance considering she eats chicken and pig and cow meat.

Fast forward a year and we have this wonderful, funny, heartwarming video of a puppy. So cute. We also see a marine throwing it off of a cliff:

People are outraged. Rightly so. (I'm sure most of those outraged people are omnivores but I will let that hypocrisy slide for today.) It is terrible to see a puppy being tortured. It is horrible to hear it screaming as it sails through the air. I cringe to hear the two marines mockingly joke, "Awww, that's mean," as a wet thud reverberates in the background. People should be outraged.

But at least it was only a puppy and not people... Oh, yeah, Abu Ghraib:

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