Wednesday, December 23, 2009


Originally uploaded by TommyKirchmeier
It's effing cold out there. Even for me.

I want to generate some traffic to my blog so: Tiger Woods, Avatar, Michael Jackson, H1N1, Swine Flu, Brittany Murphy, Jersey Shore, Yankees, Senate, 60 votes, Barack Obama, Sarah Palin, Wall Street bonuses, Joe Lieberman, Jesus.

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Creepy Subway Riders (updated)

This is the third time I’ve seen these women on the 1 train. I noticed them about three months ago, dressed almost identically in dirty, old-fashioned skirts and sweaters. They were lying against each other, just as they are here. About a month later, I saw them sitting in either the 18th street or 23rd street station on the 1 line. Very creepy. This morning, on my way in to work, I saw them for the third time and I had to take a picture with my phone’s camera because I had started to think that I had been hallucinating. This is in the top-five weird things I’ve seen in NYC.

Friday, December 11, 2009

Locked out

Locked out
Originally uploaded by TommyKirchmeier
I’ve decided to restart blogging on my blog again. Or maybe I’m going to start blogging as I never really did blog consistently. Wow, it’s amazing how when you say (or type) blog several times, it starts to sound weird again, like it did way back in 2005.

I did get some fair success with one post about a crash and burn job interview. It has made me the number two hit on google when you search for the company World Access Marketing: As much as that company sucked, I hope they keep interviewing people so I can stay #2 on google.

Anyway, why the photo to the right? Well, I have thousands and thousands of photos and I plan to transform this from that seems to be about my crappy work life to a blog about the thing I love second-most outside of work: Photography. That’s not to say it will be all about shutter speeds and lighting. I may use photos to illustrate what I’m thinking or where I’m going.

Right now I"m showing one of my favorites. I love the sense of sadness and cold and the feeling that, yes, Shea Stadium may have been a sub-optimal baseball stadium but many summer nights were spent there. It was home, and i'm never going to get back in.

Thanks for reading this far,